Best trip of my life…

I’m not much of a traveler and I enjoy the comforts of my own home so this challenge isn’t hard. But my most favorite trip would have to be my fun-filled weekend in Key Largo, Florida this past March. The fact that it was my daughter’s destination wedding location made it all the more special. The venue that my son-in-law and daughter picked out made for a beautiful wedding and weekend trip. Her wedding was at a beautiful private home overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Nothing better than the ocean to make for a perfect trip . The weather stayed nice and we were able to see a sunrise and sunset in the same day! It did rain in the morning of her wedding but hey rain on a wedding day is supposed to be good luck. A few pictures will leave you with a complete understanding of why it was a perfect trip !











So as you can see it was absolutely beautiful ! I am planning to get out of my comfort zone sometime in 2015 and would love a snow filled cabin adventure next !

What’s in your bag?


They say you can tell a lot by what’s in a woman’s purse but I think if you looked in most woman’s purses you’d find roughly the same things.  I figured I would use the above list to help me explain what’s in my purse.  I have all of the things that are worth 1 point.   Under the 3 points,  I have store cards and receipts.  The two 5 point items I have are a mirror and sunglasses.  The one 7 point item I have in my purse is my YL Thieves hand sanitizer.  I also keep tweezers in my purse as well as spare contact lenses.  Only the tweezers are worth 10 points.  I do top of the list by having pepper spray in my purse which is worth 25 points!  My purse is pretty small so not much fits into it.  I’m sure if I had a big purse I would have the kitchen sink in it.  What’s in your purse?

5 current goals…


With the New Year just passing, this challenge is right up most people’s alley.  I however, always have some sort of goals in mind.  It keeps me pushing forward and keeps my life interesting.  My 5 current goals are:

1 Lose Weight-  At my age and with hypothyroidism this seems to be a continuous one.  I have started walking with my husband so that should help.

2. Oils- Continue to gain knowledge about Young Living Essential Oils and their many uses.  Use them and share my knowledge with others.  I feel this helps our environment as well as mine and other people’s health.

3. DIY- Instead of just pinning cool crafty things on Pinterest, I would like to atleast monthly actually create one of the ideas I have pinned.

4.Positivity-  This goal is related to life in general but more specifically towards my work.  My goal is to remain positive even when unrealistic expectations are expected of children and when paperwork seems to just keep increasing.  My goal is to remain positive and remember why I started… KIDS!

5.Read-  I always do a million things other than make the time to read the books and authors I enjoy.  My goal is to make time to read weekly.

Not too shabby of goals.  I think I can achieve them all.  Here’s hoping !!


5 favorite songs …



Well let me start off by saying all of my truly favorite songs are country songs. I absolutely love Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, Kip Moore, Blake Shelton and Lee Brice. Some verses of my favorite songs are:








Another favorite is christian music especially Chris Tomlin. His songs “God’s Great Dance Floor” and
“If God Is For Us Who Can Be Against Us?” are two of my favorite.


I like songs that are inspiring and uplifting ❤️

Scared of …


I can’t really think of anything I am scared of . Like I’m not scared of spiders or clowns or other things people say they are afraid of. Few things scare me but the one think that does is the fear of losing a family member to an accident or illness. It makes me a little annoying to my children whenever they are going somewhere . Okay maybe very annoying but I always feel if I lecture and tell them to be safe I will ultimately prevent anything from happening .
So I guess the quote is true, being scared means you’re about to do something brave and in this case it’s letting my children go and realizing they will be okay!

Most proud of …

This one is a no brainer for me and I can sum it up with a picture:


I am most proud of raising two adult children. Both are wonderful humans that care very much for other people! It was not easy sailing all along the way but the end results were worth the trails They both are the epitome of beauty, smarts and personality. Yet both are very humble if not too humble at times. They both wants to have jobs that are giving and that give back to society and the youth of today.
So yes, I am most proud of my children❤️

Dream Job

Well this one just so happens to be the easiest for me.  I am lucky enough to have the dream job for me.  Yes it has too much paperwork and no I don’t have all the fanciest things in life but the children I work with makes it all worthwhile.

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The gift of communication is something that we all take for granted.  Children who have a difficult time communicating and being understood are frustrated on a day to day basis.  They struggle in school with academics as well as with social communication.  Imagine if everything that you wanted to share with others couldn’t be.  Imagine if you were misunderstood because you couldn’t communicate effectively verbally or gesturally.  We all take for granted many things that we are blessed with yet others go without.

So in a nutshell, the smiles I get from students I help on a daily basis makes my job my dream job.  If I walk out of a class or a therapy session and know I made that lesson easier for my students, IT IS A GOOD DAY !

Favorite Quote

My favorite quote has to be favorite quotes because I consider myself a “Quote Queen”.  My two quotes are inspired by two genius men, my Dad and Albert Einstein.  Yes, my Dad is  right up there with a genius.

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“Pretty is as pretty does” was spoken to me since I was a very little girl and it has stayed with me throughout my adult life.  No matter how pretty you are on the outside it doesn’t shine through unless you are pretty on the inside as well.  How many times have we all met a physically beautiful person and then they open their mouths and the beauty you once saw disappears?  The opposite stands true as well.  A not so attractive person can become so beautiful in your eyes if their inside is beautiful.  So my Dad was “wise beyond his years” or as Brittany would say, ” Wise beyond his ears”.

Albert Einstein’s quote rings so true in our current society.  So many people continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.  It seems to be common sense but it definitely is not.  One change can indeed change your life.  I know change is hard but sometimes it is the only way to truly live.  God has a plan for us, trust him and take the plunge!

20 Facts About Me …

Where do I even begin… 20 facts about myself should be easy but I’ve never really thought about it. Here goes:
* I am a Speech/ Language Pathologist and love what I do 👅
* I absolutely love dogs but have recently taken a liking to cats as well 🐶🐱
* I am addicted to Pinterest
* Obsessed with oils and their many uses
* I am a giver and like doing for others
* I am a realist
* I love dark chocolate 🍫
* I love the Miami Dolphins and their cheerleaders ( ESP one particular one)
* I like doing crafts
* I can’t go a day without coffee ☕️
* I don’t like to drink water but I try
* I love glass bottled cokes
* I enjoy kids and the things they say and do 🙊🙈
* I believe in God
* I believe everything happens for a reason
* I think we all should try to live in the moment
* I miss my Dad everyday ✨
* I truly believe alcohol is satan’s work
* I like pictures but not of myself
* I have been happily married for 28 years and have two beautiful children ❤️

Phew didn’t know that’d be so hard.